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Ft Tuthill 15m or 160m CW Transceiver
Shown with optional Digital Dial
- DC receiver (not a superhet)
- Current Drain: Approximately 45 ma @ 12v. The addition of the
counter adds ~ 22 ma of addition current drain.
- Supply voltage range: 10.5 to 14v
- Receiver bandwidth: 700 Hz. Five pole R/C active filter provides the
selectivity, nominally 3 dB down at 1 KHz, 40 dB down at ~2 KHz, 100 dB
down at ~ 8 KHz
- 0.16 uV receiver sensitivity
- 5v pk-pk receiver detector design enables stout large signal
- Power Output ~ 5w at 12v , 760 mA
- All output harmonics less than -50 dBc
- Transmitter is set up for a straight key input
- Both RIT and XIT are provided with ~ ± 4000 Hz tuning range.
- 60 KHz tuning ranges for 15m, ~ 21.000 - 21.060 and 21.075 -
21.135 MHz, or are available using a front panel range switch.
- 30 KHz tuning ranges for 160m, ~ 1800 - 1835 and 1830 -
1865 MHz, or are available using a front panel range switch.
- Spot switch to allow setting precise TX spotting. Spotting mode is
entered via a push button. A 800 Hz blip is sent once a second to
remind the user that the rig is in the "spot" mode.
- Transmit protection - When the transmitter is left key down for more
than three seconds, the transmitter going into a "dotting" mode. The
transmitter is capable of running indefinitely in dotting mode.
- The audio output has been designed to drive headphones and have been
provided with audio compression to protect the user from sudden, large
signals when using headphones.
- A regulated 5v output has been provided for external keyer kits.
Supporting Files and Documents
Ft Tuthill 15m Assembly/Operation Manual - Part 1 (v6)
Ft Tuthill 15m Assembly/Operation Manual - Part 2 (v5)
Revised Assembly instructions for the Bail
Ft Tuthill 15m Schematic
Ft Tuthill 160 Assembly/Operation Manual - Part 1
Ft Tuthill 160 Assembly/Operation Manual - Part 2
Ft Tuthill 160 Schematic
Ft Tuthill 160 Parts Overlays
Ft Tuthill Decal Instruction Manual
Ft Tuthill Chassis Preparation Manual
160M band operating and technical reference:
160m antenna URL references: