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Simple Receiver
As measured from current prototypes, some variance in performance is expected from unit to unit.
- Receiver Type: Superhet with a three crystal IF filter
Receiver sensitivity: Better than -120 dBm
- Current Drain: ~ 17 mA at 12v.
- Bus switch first mixer improves handling of high level signal (40m SWBC!)
- AGC - Automatically reduces large signals
- 3 pole Crystal filter
- Single sided receiver reception
- Wider 500 Hz filter decreases "ringing" and listener fatigue
- Audio gain chain incorporates active R/C low pass filter
- Reduces unwanted high frequency audio gain stage hiss
- Provides >30 dB additional attenuation for signals more than 2KHz away
- Headphone level output with diode limiting - o Protects your ears from static crashes or sudden strong stations
- Band coverage provided in two ranges
- Each tuning range ~ 20 KHz wide
- On board switch selects upper or lower band segments
- 40m covers 7.000 to 7.022 and 7.024 to 7.049 MHz (DX and QRP segments)
- 30m covers 10.100 to 10.120 MHz
- External "mute" input (active low)
- Reduces receiver gain by ~ 70 dB
- Receiver input protected to 5w when muted (only when muted!)
Manuals and other useful information
Simple Receiver (SRX) Construction Manual (05/05/2013)