We are pleased to announce the newest member of the ScQRPion Paddle family which will be available beginning in February 2010! Our newest paddle starts out as the original, but gets a new smooth ball bearing assembly added! This is the same design bearing assembly used in the Black Widow paddle kit from Jerry, W5JH. Jerry has kindly adapted this feature to the original ScQRPion paddle as well as his own Baby Black Widow paddles for the Elecraft KX-1, QRPKits PFR-3, and the HB-1A from China.

The image below shows the original paddle on the right and the wider model on the left. Bigfoot. It has a 3" wide base and weighs in at 10.1 oz. The Bigfoot paddle in this picture is completely UNFINISHED. Raw metal. The original paddle on the right is a prototype with some finishing. Click the image below to see complete technical information about these kits and more pictures.

There has been a tremendous increase in the price of brass and the assistance of a machine shop to produce the brass parts. This has resulted in a steady supply of very high quality parts and more rapid fulfillment of orders with a corresponding price increase. In addition, the paddle arms for all models are now drilled to accept magnets for tensioning instead of springs if you choose to do so. All paddle arms are also milled to allow closer finger piece spacing and a better fit for custom finger pieces.

As usual cash, check, money orders, or PayPal (ScQRPionKits at AzScQRPions dot org) are the preferred methods of payment. PayPal can now be funded with any of the standard credit cards and you don't have to be a member.

Ordering information

Click the image below for more information, pictures, and building instructions.

AZ Paddle

These are the paddles that started it all!

New for 2010! This is the original paddle with a smooth ball bearing action found in the Mini Black Widow Paddle by W5JH!

AZ Paddle

U.S. $1 Coin for Size Comparison